
French specialists in choral singing!
20 chants populaires du Limousin

20 chants populaires du Limousin

(Code: A135300074)

Roger Calmel, Michel Delamasure, Jean Pagot, and Bernard Lallement arranged these popular songs.
This collection was published for the “Premières Folklories” in 1982. It is intended to be performed by equal voice choirs or mixed voice choirs of three or four voices. Two versions of “Jeannette” and “À la rivière de Lissac” are available: one is intended for three mixed voices and the other is intended for four mixed voices. It can be performed by every mixed choir, no matter how many different types of male voice they have. This is a collection of slow and lively songs.

18.80 EUR
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Lou cor de mo mio (Bernard Lallement )
Mère a voulu m'y marier (Bernard Lallement )
Plus de plaisir mignonne (Bernard Lallement )
En parle qui voudra (Michel Delamasure )
Jeannette (Roger Calmel )
A la rivière de Lissac (Bernard Lallement ) 3 voix mixtes
Derrièr' le château de Monviel (Jean Pagot )
Sur la colline tout en haut (Jean Pagot )
Bonjour, bouvier (Jean Pagot )
Jeannette (Roger Calmel )
C'est la mésange et le pinson (Bernard Lallement )
Lo turlututu (Bernard Lallement )
Voici la fête du vin (Bernard Lallement )
En parle qui voudra (Michel Delamasure )
A la rivière de Lissac (Bernard Lallement ) 4 voix mixtes
La-haut sur l'herbe verte (Michel Delamasure )
Les hommes sont trompeurs (Michel Delamasure )
La mère et la fille (Bernard Lallement )
Amis réveillez-vous (Michel Delamasure )
L'Albo (Roger Calmel )

Roger Calmel, Michel Delamasure, Jean Pagot, and Bernard Lallement arranged these popular songs.
This collection was published for the “Premières Folklories” in 1982. It is intended to be performed by equal voice choirs or mixed voice choirs of three or four voices. Two versions of “Jeannette” and “À la rivière de Lissac” are available: one is intended for three mixed voices and the other is intended for four mixed voices. It can be performed by every mixed choir, no matter how many different types of male voice they have. This is a collection of slow and lively songs.