
French specialists in choral singing!
Ave Maria - Gallus - SATB+SATB

Ave Maria - Gallus - SATB+SATB

(Code: A110906065)

This Marian prayer was often put into the spotlight by the musicians of the Renaissance. The song is orant and simple, as if the composer wanted to highlight the importance of Virgin Mary. Jacobus Gallus composed a song for eight voices but with comfortable ranges and vocal lines are easily sung, one after the other. The whole score is full of sweetness.

3.50 EUR
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This Marian prayer was often put into the spotlight by the musicians of the Renaissance. The song is orant and simple, as if the composer wanted to highlight the importance of Virgin Mary. Jacobus Gallus composed a song for eight voices but with comfortable ranges and vocal lines are easily sung, one after the other. The whole score is full of sweetness.