
French specialists in choral singing!
Ave verum - Saint-Saëns - SATB

Ave verum - Saint-Saëns - SATB

(Code: A110805084)
A cappella SATB - Camille Saint-Saëns
2.20 EUR
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Composition by Camille SAINT-SAËNS (1835-1921), ancient text: prayer for eucharist.

A hymn (similar to an antiphon) in honour of the Blessed Sacrament, dated after the year 1000. This sacred composition dates from approximately 1860; some suggest the probable date of 1865. The versified text comprises 4 distichs (8 + 7 syllables) followed by a non-metric triple acclamation (O Jesu dulcis ! O Jesu pie! O Jesu fili Mariae, which Saint-Saëns does not use.
A highly inspired piece that admirably serves this text, which brings the prayer of the worshippers to the climax of the celebration.

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