
French specialists in choral singing!
Canard et mandoline- Direction

Canard et mandoline- Direction

(Code: A121900866)

This is a musical tale for children’s choirs of one or two voices with piano accompaniment, drums and narrators.
It’s Mandoline’s birthday. She is a kind and romantic girl. His grandfather offers her a wand with which she is able to go on a trip and get married. But her little brother Canard steals it! This is a musical tale full of contrasts; children and grown-ups, imagination and reality, comic and serious aspects, day and night… You can add gestures.

29.50 EUR
Discount on quantity

Le réveil (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Le grand-père (Mandoline) (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Le grand-père (Canard) (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Afrique (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
La rencontre (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
La mairie (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Des êtres bizarres (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Toumba (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Les sorcières (Eric Noyer)
Grain de folie (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Soleil (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)

This is a musical tale for children’s choirs of one or two voices with piano accompaniment, drums and narrators.
It’s Mandoline’s birthday. She is a kind and romantic girl. His grandfather offers her a wand with which she is able to go on a trip and get married. But her little brother Canard steals it! This is a musical tale full of contrasts; children and grown-ups, imagination and reality, comic and serious aspects, day and night… You can add gestures.