Marché des olympiques (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
Fanfare 1 (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
A une jeunefille victorieuse (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
Fanfare 2 (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
Feux sur les corps (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
Première mi-temps (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
Fanfare 3 (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
Le vent (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
Droite est la jambe (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
Ils passent (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
Chant des jeunes filles (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
Deuxième mi-temps (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
Vesper (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
Exode (Alain Langree/ Henry Montherlant)
This is a cantata composed by Alain Langrée. It is intended for a standard mixed choir with a solo baritone and an orchestra. The lyrics are based on “Olympiques,” written by Henri de Montherlant. The “Cantate des Olympiques” lasts 20 minutes. The avant-gardism is precisely calculated, and the sheet music can be performed by amateur choirs but requires you to work seriously on it. There is one version for choirs and orchestras and the other for choirs and piano four hands.