
French specialists in choral singing!
Canticum pacis

Canticum pacis

(Code: A110805112)

Some sections are difficult, but it can be performed by every choir. Donato Falco was born in 1949 in Carbonara di Bari, Italia. He was graduated in philosophy and graduated from the conservatories of Bari, Aquila and Pesaro in composition, conducting and instrumentation. He also studied with renowned conductors like Leonard Bernstein, Marcel Couraud and Georgi Robev. He was the funder and conductor of the choir SudControcanto. He won several prizes as a composer for his choral compositions.

3.50 EUR
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Some sections are difficult, but it can be performed by every choir. Donato Falco was born in 1949 in Carbonara di Bari, Italia. He was graduated in philosophy and graduated from the conservatories of Bari, Aquila and Pesaro in composition, conducting and instrumentation. He also studied with renowned conductors like Leonard Bernstein, Marcel Couraud and Georgi Robev. He was the funder and conductor of the choir SudControcanto. He won several prizes as a composer for his choral compositions.