
French specialists in choral singing!
Christe, adoramus te - Monteverdi

Christe, adoramus te - Monteverdi

(Code: A110805109)

Giulio Cesare composed the “Libro primo de motetti a una, due, tre, quattro, cinque e otto voce” which was published in Venice in 1620. Today’s collections are usually compilations of a given composer’s songs, instead of being anthologies as it was in the last century. This collection includes Claudio Monteverdi’s motets which were not published in “Selva morale.” These short songs can be performed with or without accompaniment. They are intended to be sung on liturgies. These three motets are written in a style influenced by the Venetian school and represents Claudio Monteverdi’s devotion with a beautiful harmony and contrapuntal melody.

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Giulio Cesare composed the “Libro primo de motetti a una, due, tre, quattro, cinque e otto voce” which was published in Venice in 1620. Today’s collections are usually compilations of a given composer’s songs, instead of being anthologies as it was in the last century. This collection includes Claudio Monteverdi’s motets which were not published in “Selva morale.” These short songs can be performed with or without accompaniment. They are intended to be sung on liturgies. These three motets are written in a style influenced by the Venetian school and represents Claudio Monteverdi’s devotion with a beautiful harmony and contrapuntal melody.