
French specialists in choral singing!
Circus et boule de gomme- Batterie

Circus et boule de gomme- Batterie

(Code: A121900909)
Musical - 1-2 Children Voices - Piano Drums Narrator
10.70 EUR
Discount on quantity

Drum part for Circus et boule de gomme, Musical show for children's choir (1 or 2 voices) with piano, drums and narrator, written by Éric NOYER

In the purest tradition of the circus, this score is a series of numbers with gymnasts, clowns of all kinds, dancing or musical animals, magic... all following each other in a frenzied rhythm under the baton of the presenter.
Some pieces are rather intended for the "little ones", others more specific to the adults.

Creation by Eric NOYER for children's choir (1 or 2 voices) with piano, drums and narrator (SA)

  • Introduction
  • Les princes de l'équilibre t
  • Les rois du biscoto
  • Les champions de la surprise
  • Western-Comédie
  • Magie imaginative
  • Hippopotame flamant rose et compagnie
  • Nestor et les ours musiciens
  • Le monstre marionnette
  • Cocktail Circus
  • Bis !