
French specialists in choral singing!
Da pacem Domine - Garau

Da pacem Domine - Garau

(Code: A110805192)
Da Pacem Domine, for mixed-voice choir by Mariano Garau
3.70 EUR
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Da Pacem Domine, for mixed-voice choir by Mariano Garau

This text is here set to music for SATBB mixed-voice choir.
Since the Middle Ages, this has been a prayer for peace, both in the liturgy and at the most dangerous times, asking God for help.
This antiphon should not be confused with the Gregorian introit Da pacem, Domine, sustinentibus te, which comes entirely from the repertoire of the ancient Roman rite.

Text :
Da pacem, Domine,
Give peace, O Lord,
in diebus nostris,
to our time,
quia non est alius
because no other that,
qui pugnet pro nobis,
fighteth for us
nisi tu, Deus noster
but only Thou, our God

Composition for mixed-voice choir (SATBB) a cappella by Mariano Garau.

Performance time circa 2'55''