
French specialists in choral singing!
Duélete de mi, senora

Duélete de mi, senora

(Code: A110906074)

Juan Vasquez was a Spanish composer. He mostly worked in Seville. The Villancicos y canciones version was published in 1551 and it confirmed that he was one of the most liked composers of that time. The villancico arranged for three or four voices is composed of secular or religious themes based on popular origins. This is the reason why it was set to music in a simple way. The melody is so snappy than no one is distracted or moved by the conventional complaint.

2.20 EUR

Juan Vasquez was a Spanish composer. He mostly worked in Seville. The Villancicos y canciones version was published in 1551 and it confirmed that he was one of the most liked composers of that time. The villancico arranged for three or four voices is composed of secular or religious themes based on popular origins. This is the reason why it was set to music in a simple way. The melody is so snappy than no one is distracted or moved by the conventional complaint.