
French specialists in choral singing!
Ecce Maria - Praetorius

Ecce Maria - Praetorius

(Code: A110906097)
Ecce Maria, a composition by Michael Praetorius, edited by Jacques Barbier for equal voices choir, women's choir a cappella
3.50 EUR
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Ecce Maria, a composition by Michael Praetorius, edited by Jacques Barbier for equal voices choir, women's choir a cappella:

The composer Michael Praetorius had no idea when he published this work for four equal voices in 1607 the success it would meet today not in the cultic context of Nativity celebrations but in that of international choral competitions.
Indeed, the close imitative writing of the four voices alternating with harmonic passages produces the most beautiful effect on the listener by highlighting the spatial dimension of a jubilant music ending with a vigorous "Alleluia".

For choir of equal voices (SSAA) a cappella.