
French specialists in choral singing!
Félicie aussi

Félicie aussi

(Code: A110300129)

This song was composed by Goerges Oberfeld, in 1939. Albert Willemetz is the lyricist, and he worked together with the greatest operetta composers of his time: Messager, Christiné, Scotto, and Hahn. This gathering of talents and the legendary performance of Fernandel made this song immediately famous. Félicie’s misfortunes are told each verse after another for our pleasure. If you want to add some humor into your program, the arrangement by Christophe Roger is perfect for you!

7.60 EUR
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This song was composed by Goerges Oberfeld, in 1939. Albert Willemetz is the lyricist, and he worked together with the greatest operetta composers of his time: Messager, Christiné, Scotto, and Hahn. This gathering of talents and the legendary performance of Fernandel made this song immediately famous. Félicie’s misfortunes are told each verse after another for our pleasure. If you want to add some humor into your program, the arrangement by Christophe Roger is perfect for you!