
French specialists in choral singing!
Florilège 3

Florilège 3

(Code: A135300025)

This anthology is slightly different from the two others. The songs collected are little-known choral works which quickly became classics. The 30 polyphonic songs are ordered from the Middle Ages to our days.

25.10 EUR
Alle psallite cum luya
Benedicamus Domino
Canon de la paix (Le temps viendra)
Cohors generosa
Ecce quam sit
Gaude, Mater Polonia
Gloria Patri
Heiden Röslein
Hymne à la nuit
J’ai cueilli la belle rose
J’entends une chanson (Mit Lieb bin ich umfangen)
Joyeux enfants de la Bourgogne
La merveille de la musique
Las mis penas madre
Le colimaçon
Le petit cheval
Le pont Mirabeau
Le temps a laissé son manteau
Les comédiens
Mort, tu n’es qu’un long sommeil
Pase el agua
Que l’entreprise est belle
Rorando caeli defluant
Simi jadech
Summer is acoming in
Tant que vivray
V’amo di core
Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern

This anthology is slightly different from the two others. The songs collected are little-known choral works which quickly became classics. The 30 polyphonic songs are ordered from the Middle Ages to our days.