
French specialists in choral singing!
Florilège de l'Europe chorale

Florilège de l'Europe chorale

(Code: A135300693)

This is a collection of 23 mixed voice songs. They are based on popular songs and classic works from several European countries. It’s not very difficult to learn and can be performed by any choir.
The scores can be sold separately.

15.60 EUR
O ma belle Aurore (César Geoffray / Léon-Robert Brice )
Come ye sons of art (Henry Purcell)
Mazur (Marcel Corneloup/ J.K. Lasocki )
Canticorum jubilo (Georg Friedrich Haendel/ Franz Van Ommeslaeghe)
Mah navou al heharim (Schom Bonia)
Erlaube mir (Johannes Brahms)
Hymne européen (Ludwig Van Beethoven/ Friedrich Schiller/ Jean Ruault / Maurice Bouchor/ Alain Langree )
Vuprem oci (Vinko Zganec )
Rossinyol que vas a franca (Marcel Corneloup/ Antoni Perez Moya )
Canite omnes homines (Emil Cossetto/ Jean Massot)
Carpe diem (Etienne Daniel/ Horace)
Cohors generosa (Zoltan Kodaly)
Nun ruhen alle wƒlder (Heinrich Isaac/ Paul Gerhardt/ Jean-Sébastien Bach )
D'ou rev'nez-voussi crott… ? (Jacques Stecke )
Cloches du soir ( Kozlov/ Alian De Coatgoureden / A. Svechnikhov )
Aftensti (Morgens Jermiin Nissen/ Vilhelm From Bartrumsen/ Hans Ulrik Barfoed )
Dindirindin ( Anonyme/ Jacques Barbier )
Arnissis (Mikis Theodorakis/ Georges Seferis/ Jannis Karkalas )
Enek szent istvan kiralyhoz (Zoltan Kodaly)
Chi dira mai ch'In donna sia fermezza (G. Acciai / B. Donat )
Se eu quisiera amores (Manuel Faria )
Soldati Ticinesi (Carlo Boller )
D'ou rev'nez-voussi crott… ? (Bernard Lallement )

This is a collection of 23 mixed voice songs. They are based on popular songs and classic works from several European countries. It’s not very difficult to learn and can be performed by any choir.
The scores can be sold separately.