
French specialists in choral singing!
Fugue marinière

Fugue marinière

(Code: A111200855)

Alexis Duffaure is a young conductor in Bordeaux. He enjoyed arranging the counting rhyme “À la pêche aux moules” like a baroque fugue. He set it to music with a melody by Johann Sebastian Bach; it was such a risky bet. The composer arranged it for his choir Choeur Voyageur. They wan several prizes for Florilège Vocal de Tours, in 2009.

6.60 EUR
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Alexis Duffaure is a young conductor in Bordeaux. He enjoyed arranging the counting rhyme "À la pêche aux moules” like a baroque fugue. He set it to music with a melody by Johann Sebastian Bach; it was such a risky bet. The composer arranged it for his choir Choeur Voyageur. They wan several prizes for Florilège Vocal de Tours, in 2009.