
French specialists in choral singing!
Gaude Virgo Mater Christi

Gaude Virgo Mater Christi

(Code: A110805120)

The motet “Gaude Virgo Mater Christi” is similar to “Ave Maria… Virgo Serena” (ref. ACJ 5070). Five of the six stanzas begin with an imitative and contrapuntal “Gaude.” The binary rhythm alternates with the ternary rhythm in the sixth stanza ending with a lively “Alleluia.” It will remind you of the Agnus Dei 2 from the Missa Gaudeamus (ref. ACJ 9166).

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The motet “Gaude Virgo Mater Christi” is similar to “Ave Maria… Virgo Serena” (ref. ACJ 5070). Five of the six stanzas begin with an imitative and contrapuntal “Gaude.” The binary rhythm alternates with the ternary rhythm in the sixth stanza ending with a lively “Alleluia.” It will remind you of the Agnus Dei 2 from the Missa Gaudeamus (ref. ACJ 9166).