Composition for SATB a cappella choir by Christophe Loiseleur des Longchamps, Latin text
This piece is based on a text that introduces the twelfth chapter of Saint John's vision and that inspired many painters to depict Mary. The composer wanted to play with the Latin syllables, which are treated like over-articulated onomatopoeia.
Latin text (Christian translation, Book of Revelation (12,1) ) : Hec est illa de qua sacra canunt eulogia : sole amicta lunam habens sub pedibus stellis mervit coronari duodenis.
French translation: voici celle dont les Ecritures saintes chantent l'éloge : enveloppée du soleil, ayant la lune sous les pieds, elle a mérité d'être couronnée de douze étoiles.
English translation: here is the one the holy Writings of which sing the praise: wrapped with the sun, having the moon under feet, she deserved to be crowned with twelve stars.
Running time: about 1 minute.
Christophe Loiseleur des Longchamps: A graduate of the harp class at Toulouse Conservatoire and a History and Archaeology graduate of Toulouse University, Christophe Loiseleur des Longchamps quickly turned to choral singing and conducting. He is one of the founders of the Maîtrise Notre-Dame de Brive, as well as the Orchestre and Ensemble Vocal de Brive, and regularly contributes to choral singing sessions. His passion for writing has enabled him to present an extensive repertoire of melodies (Album "Traversées", 2019), piano pieces, sacred works both intimate and large-scale (masses, requiems, motets) and orchestral arrangements. He has also produced a musical for children (L'Affaire Edmond Dantès, based on The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas) and a story for all the pupils of a music school, Objectif Concorde.