
French specialists in choral singing!
Jazz à fables - Chœur et piano - Voix égales

Jazz à fables - Chœur et piano - Voix égales

(Code: A121900798)

Jazz à fables, Compositions by Pierre-Gérard VERNY on fables by Jean de LA FONTAINE, for equal voices choir SA and jazz trio. On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the birth of Jean de La Fontaine, Pierre-Gérard Verny proposes the continuation (and the end) of his trilogy devoted to the composition of works for mixed choir ( SATB) and jazz trio (or piano), on the Fables of the poet.
17.70 EUR

Jazz à fables, Compositions by Pierre-Gérard VERNY on fables by Jean de LA FONTAINE, for equal voices choir SA and jazz trio. :

On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the birth of Jean de La Fontaine, Pierre-Gérard Verny proposes the continuation (and the end) of his trilogy devoted to the composition of works for equal choir (SA) and jazz trio (or piano), on the Fables of the poet.
"Jazz à Fables de La Fontaine" follows "Swing de La Fontaine" and "Classique-Jazz de La Fontaine" with 6 new fables, less known than those of the first two opus, but all as fine and mischievous: The Wolf and the Stork, The Rooster and the Fox, The Two Mules, The Oak and the Reed, Women and the Secret, The Laborer and his Children.
Each of these compositions is written in a different style, always in a "crossover" spirit, juxtaposing or superimposing jazz and classical idioms. Thus swing, ballad, bossa nova or blues are mixed with prelude, trifle, adagio, variation or fugue.

Compositions for equal voices choir SA and jazz trio.

Note that this collection is offered with instrumental playback audio files (sold separately).
Average duration : 30’00’’

Content :
  • Java’Jive du loup 4’00’’
  • Mainstream’jazz du coq 4’50’’
  • préludo’swing des deux mulets 4’50’’
  • Ballado’Bop du roseau 4’20’’
  • Swing’Fast du secret 4’10’’’
  • Fugua’blues du Laboureur 4’30’’