
French specialists in choral singing!
L'impossible rencontre- Direction

L'impossible rencontre- Direction

(Code: A121900942)

This is a cantata for choirs of one or two voices, narrators and pianos.
This is the story of a forest devastated by an intense torrent, and the two banks cannot be crossed. The Méludines live on the one side of the river. This people loves rich melodies and fruity harmonies.
On the other side of the river live Maraclaves. This people love syncopated rhythms and dancing tempo. They would never have met if it wasn't for…

17.70 EUR
Discount on quantity

Le torrent (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Lune caline (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Dès le matin (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Fais dodo (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Poum-tchac (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Qui sont-ils ? (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Soleil (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Lesplanètes (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Le tambour-terre (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Danse commune (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Adulte Méludine (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Adulte Maraclave (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Chacun son pays (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Venez mes amis (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Il nous faut de bonnes bases (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Ce soir c'estl a fête (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)
Final (Eric Noyer/ Eric Noyer)

This is a cantata for choirs of one or two voices, narrators and pianos.
This is the story of a forest devastated by an intense torrent, and the two banks cannot be crossed. The Méludines live on the one side of the river. This people loves rich melodies and fruity harmonies.
On the other side of the river live Maraclaves. This people love syncopated rhythms and dancing tempo. They would never have met if it wasn't for…