
French specialists in choral singing!
Le petit chaperon rouge

Le petit chaperon rouge

(Code: A121900933)

This is a musical tale in one single act intended for children’s choir and narrators. It is based on Charles Perrault and Brother Grimms’ fairytales. We suggest you to add gestures. This sheet music immediately met with success.

9.70 EUR

Discover the musical tale Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, beautifully set to music by Nicole Berne :

Little Red Riding Hood is an oral tradition tale of French origin. It is best known through the two versions by Charles Perrault in France and the Grimm brothers in Germany.

Once upon a time there was a little girl who was so pretty that her mother was crazy about her, and her grandmother even crazier. She had given her a little red hat that looked so good on her that everywhere she was called Little Red Riding Hood...

Nicole Berne proposes :

A one-act musical tale written for children's choir in unison, reciting and piano based on the well-known traditional tale.
As in Nicole BERNE's other musical tales, the songs are short and well written, with repetitions to facilitate learning and memorization. An enchantment for the little ones, who will also be able to invest themselves in a staging.

  • Chanson du loup
  • Complainte de la grand-mère malade
  • Reprise de la chanson du loup
  • Reprise de la chanson du petit Chaperon-Rouge
  • Chevillette et bobinette de la grand-mère
  • Chevillette et bobinette du loup
  • Dialogue du loup et du petit Chaperon-Rouge
  • Chanson des pierres
  • Final aujourd'hui c'est jour de fête