
French specialists in choral singing!
Le prince du grand cèdre- Direction

Le prince du grand cèdre- Direction

(Code: A121900061)

Charlotte’s family long ago didn’t call her by her name. Indeed, when she was a little girl, not a day went by without she made the people claimed that she was a featherbrain. That’s why everybody nicknamed her “Tête de Linotte.” One day, Tête de Linotte met Hugo and together they decide to save the park’s trees from felling.

25.00 EUR
Charlotte (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
Chanson des arbres (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
La cabane (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
Hugo (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
Jolie linotte (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
Chant des oiseaux (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
Hugo et Charlotte (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
Tiens voilà Hugo (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
Nous n'irons plus au bois (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
Courez courez vite (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
Les engins (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
Accrochés aux branches (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
Il est près de la ville (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
Pleurez les arbres (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)
Final (Chantez avec nous les oiseaux) (Irène Hausammann/ Maggy Jeannin)

Charlotte’s family long ago didn’t call her by her name. Indeed, when she was a little girl, not a day went by without she made the people claimed that she was a featherbrain. That’s why everybody nicknamed her “Tête de Linotte.” One day, Tête de Linotte met Hugo and together they decide to save the park’s trees from felling.