
French specialists in choral singing!
Le roman de renart- Choeur et piano

Le roman de renart- Choeur et piano

(Code: A121900379)

This cantata is intended to be performed by two mixed voices or two equal voices, one or several narrators and being accompanied on the piano. The text is based on middle ages stories.
Notes and words are intertwined and bring characters of the “Roman de Renart” to life: the wolf Ysengrin, the rooster Chanteclerc, the raven Tiécelin, fishmongers, chickadees, the king Noble, etc.
Each story is composed like a musical duet between Renart and the character he meets. Reynard can’t help taking advantage of all situations. Even when he fails, he always has more than a few up his sleeve. Complaints and enemies are gathering, and the hour of his trial will strike soon.
It approximately lasts one hour.

23.10 EUR
Discount on quantity

Oyez Oyez ! (Eric Noyer)
Les jambons d'Ysengrin le loup (Eric Noyer)
Renart et Pinte la poule (Eric Noyer)
Renart et Ysengrin dans la cave d'un monastère (Eric Noyer)
Sire Constant des Granges un riche vavasseur ... (Eric Noyer)
Renart et les marchands de poissons (Eric Noyer)
Chanson goupilienne (Eric Noyer)
Renart et Chanteclerc le coq (Eric Noyer)
Sagesse renardienne (Eric Noyer)
La colère d'Ysengrin (Eric Noyer)
Les mésaventures de Tiecelin le corbeau (Eric Noyer)
Renart et la mésange (Eric Noyer)
Le jugement de Renart (Eric Noyer)
Final (Eric Noyer)

This cantata is intended to be performed by two mixed voices or two equal voices, one or several narrators and being accompanied on the piano. The text is based on middle ages stories.
Notes and words are intertwined and bring characters of the “Roman de Renart” to life: the wolf Ysengrin, the rooster Chanteclerc, the raven Tiécelin, fishmongers, chickadees, the king Noble, etc.
Each story is composed like a musical duet between Renart and the character he meets. Reynard can’t help taking advantage of all situations. Even when he fails, he always has more than a few up his sleeve. Complaints and enemies are gathering, and the hour of his trial will strike soon.
It approximately lasts one hour.