
French specialists in choral singing!
Martin menait son pourceau au marché

Martin menait son pourceau au marché

(Code: A110906070)

The comical aspect was present into the Renaissance songs. The sections with narration and dialogs are little reproductions of farces with Martin and Alix, Robin and Robine, Margot and Robin and the classic trio husband, wife and lover. Musicians have to be careful to the rhythm of the dialogs and the speed of the speech. In jokes and plays, the unexpected outcome is funny. In “Martin menait son pourceau au marché,” the funniest is not the outcome but Alix’s introduction. The commentaries on the description of love-making are varied and sometimes over-used. They were also used in fabliaux at that time. The collection “Au joli jeu d’amour” gathers all the eloquence of those 13 Renaissance songs. This is a must-have collection.

3.50 EUR
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The comical aspect was present into the Renaissance songs. The sections with narration and dialogs are little reproductions of farces with Martin and Alix, Robin and Robine, Margot and Robin and the classic trio husband, wife and lover. Musicians have to be careful to the rhythm of the dialogs and the speed of the speech. In jokes and plays, the unexpected outcome is funny. In “Martin menait son pourceau au marché,” the funniest is not the outcome but Alix’s introduction. The commentaries on the description of love-making are varied and sometimes over-used. They were also used in fabliaux at that time. The collection “Au joli jeu d’amour” gathers all the eloquence of those 13 Renaissance songs. This is a must-have collection.