
French specialists in choral singing!


(Code: A135300105)

Beautiful harmonizations of french traditionnal christmas carols, by Alain Fromy, choir director and composer, which will delight all groups. These original arrangements, with 3 mixed voices, are suitable for both an established choir and a small group that gathers for an occasional concert. The carols are beautiful and simple, festive and meditative, in tune with the seasonal atmosphere.

21.90 EUR

Come and discover Alain Fromy's Christmas collection:

These 29 harmonized Christmas carols with mixed voices are suitable for a constituted choir as well as for a small group that gathers for an occasional concert. The pieces are beautiful and simple, festive and collected, in tune with the mood of the season.
The repertoire is traditional, but you will certainly discover lesser-known songs that will delight both singers and audience.
The ancient Christmas songs from the different regions of France, beyond an often tasty language, are a true theological summary within the reach of simple people. They evoke the Incarnation which necessarily leads to the cross and thus to the Redemption of sinful man.
Harmonized in a simple way, they are easily integrated into a preparation for Christmas concerts.
Most of them were sung during the concert by the audience itself which, divided into 3 desks (SAH), quickly learns the 3 voices and sings with the choristers, to the great joy of all.
Christmas is about sharing, and the concert is not just about the choristers singing in front of the audience: it is all together that they sing the coming of the Son of God.

About Alain Fromy :

Born in Nantes in 1941, Alain FROMY received initial training at the Centre de Musique Sacrée de Nantes, with Félix MOREAU (organ and harmony), Joseph BUREAU (conducting and Gregorian chant) and Bernard CLÉMENT (singing teacher at the Nantes Conservatory).
He then perfected his vocal technique with Alain BUET and Richard MILLER and strengthened his choral conducting with Nicole CORTI, Homero, RIBEIRO DE MAGALHAES and Rachid SAFIR.
In turn organizer, choir director and conductor, he has succeeded in mounting a number of works by having amateurs from the region work with professionals, most of them teachers from the CNR of Rennes.
For more than 30 years Alain Fromy has been harmonizing mixed 3-voice songs, notably Christmas songs, a selection of which you can discover here.

  • Allons bergers, allons tous (Noël du Béarn)
  • Allons ma voisine (Noël de Bretagne)
  • Bergers, j’ai oüy la nouvelle (Noël de Normandie)
  • C’est le jour de la Noël (Noël d’Auvergne)
  • C’estot la veille don Noé (Noël des Ardennes)
  • Cette nuit est né Noël (Noël de Gascogne)
  • D’où viens-tu donc berger ?
  • D’où viens-tu donc bergère ? (Noël du Poitou)
  • Dans notre village
  • Eh ! Mon Dieu, la belle chose (Noël de Bourgogne)
  • Faisons réjouissance (Noël de France-Comté)
  • Grand Dieu ! Que de merveilles (Noël Angevin)
  • Holà ! Le Messie vient de naître
  • Jésus naît dans la crèche (Noël de Suisse-Romande)
  • L’enfant dort, ne faut point de bruit (Noël du Béarn)
  • Levez-vous, chrétiens (Noël de Corrèze)
  • Minuit sonne au clocher blanc (Noël de Bresse)
  • Noël Bressan (Noël de Bresse)
  • Nous étions trois bergerettes (Noël du XVIème siècle)
  • On entend partout carillon (Noël du Berry)
  • Où s’en vont ces gais bergers (Noël de Bourgogne)
  • Où t’en vas-tu donc si vite ? (Noël de l’Auxois)
  • Pe trouz war an douar (Noël vannetais)
  • Promptement levez-vous mon voisin (Noël du Poitou)
  • Saint Joseph qui lessive (Noël du Roussillon)
  • Saint Joseph avec Marie (Noël du Languedoc)
  • Silence ciel ! (Noël de Haute-Normandie)
  • Un soir que les bergers (Noël du Béarn)
  • Venez, bergers et bergères (Noël du XVIIIème siècle)