
French specialists in choral singing!
Oj, Moravo

Oj, Moravo

(Code: A110600378)

The popular poetry contrasts with the tragic events occurred in former Yugoslavia. The first part is full of nostalgia, then the allegretto takes the lead, it is similar to a kolo — a popular round danced to frula, a kind of reed pipe. The slow coda is sung by female voices and sounds like an echo reminding us the last picture of the village and the quiet valley. There is a fertile and green valley bordered by Morava, center of Serbia. Damages are caused by regular rises. Two images are created: the abundance of the beautiful and quiet landscape and the desolation of devastated fields. We like this plain country, but we regret it is so plain and so liable to flooding.

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The popular poetry contrasts with the tragic events occurred in former Yugoslavia. The first part is full of nostalgia, then the allegretto takes the lead, it is similar to a kolo — a popular round danced to frula, a kind of reed pipe. The slow coda is sung by female voices and sounds like an echo reminding us the last picture of the village and the quiet valley. There is a fertile and green valley bordered by Morava, center of Serbia. Damages are caused by regular rises. Two images are created: the abundance of the beautiful and quiet landscape and the desolation of devastated fields. We like this plain country, but we regret it is so plain and so liable to flooding.