
French specialists in choral singing!
Polyphonies Israeliennes

Polyphonies Israeliennes

(Code: A135300018)

This is a collection of 14 Israeli secular and sacred unaccompanied polyphonic songs. This is a great example of Israeli choral works. They were arranged or composed by D. Carmel, G. Aldema, D. Factory, P. Ben-Haim…

21.40 EUR

Israelian choral works (secular and sacred) 14 Secular and Sacred Choral Works (from the 16th to 21st centuries) for mixed choir a cappella proposed by Joël Sivan:

« This collection of Israeli and Jewish choral works offers a representative selection ofIsrael’s choral heritage, as it is to be found in modern Israel. The secular nature of thiscountry’s recent past is illustrated by its rich and varied choral repertoire.
The population of Israel is a veritable « melting pot » ; various influences can beheard, the origin of different melodies, composers and arrangers, coming from the Eastand the Mediterranean (Sepharadim), and as far as the North and East of Europe («Ashkenazim »).
A large part of this heritage has its roots in the far-distant past, through traditionaltunes and psalmodies taken from Jewish communities scattered all over the world(Diaspora) ; these musical influences can be heard today in Israel, thanks to the talents ofits young, modern composers. »

Fourteen a cappella polyphonies arranged for mixed-voice choirs (SATB):

« This selection of songs and dances has been drawn up for amateur choirs ; the varieddegrees of difficulty are indicated as follows :
Very easy : Barekhu, Shalom alekhem, Hitrag’ut, Khishki Khizki.
Easy : Ken bakodesh, Ki hineh hastav avar, Durme, durme, Hanokdim, Havanaghila, Tsipor shniya, Hamavdil.
The three remaining pieces, while not difficult, are more elaborate, using less "classic”harmonies, (Ein ghedi, Shir haemek), or asymmetric rhythms (Mizmorei tehilim).
I hope that this collection of melodies and rhythms, by introducing new harmonies toFrench and European choirs, will contribute, through the common language of music, tothe exchange of friendship and understanding throughout the world. »


  • Barekhu (Salomon Rossi, 1570-1628)
  • Khishki Khizki (Abraham Casseres, fin du 17eme siecle)
  • Shalom Alekhem (Eliezer Goldfarb, Gil Aldema)
  • Ken Bakodesh Khazitikha (arr. : Gil Aldema)
  • Ki Hineh Hastav Avar (Dafna Eilat, Dov Carmel)
  • Hanokdim (arr. : Dov Carmel)
  • Hava Naghila (arr. : Daniel Factory)
  • Tsipor Shniya (Nathan Zach, Misha Segal, David Mors)
  • Shir Haemek (Nathan Alterman, Daniel Sambursky, Menakhem Wiesenberg)
  • Ein Ghedi (Eitan Peretz, Dov Aharoni, Menakhem Wiesenberg)
  • Durme, Durme (Itschak Levy, Emanuel Katz, Gil Aldema)
  • Hitrag’ut (arr. : Paul Ben-Haim)
  • Hamavdil (Oedon Partos)
  • Mizmorei Tehilim (Tzvi Avni)