
French specialists in choral singing!
Popule meus

Popule meus

(Code: A112700001)

3.50 EUR
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Score for SATB A Cappella Choir by Tomas Luis de Victoria

Victoria's extremely famous motet sets the Impropères of Good Friday to music. These are a set of verses recalling God's blessings to his people. A distinction is made between the Great Impropers, whose Greek refrain is an imploration (Hagios o Theos), and the Little Impropers, whose Latin refrain is a reproach to God for the ingratitude of his people (Popule meus).
In this new edition, Pierre Calmelet alternates between Gregorian chant and Victoria's polyphony. The Gregorian chant parts can be performed by either the men or women of the choir, or by a small group.

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