
French specialists in choral singing!
Quatre chansons

Quatre chansons

(Code: A111309180)

These four popular songs arranged by Johannes Brahms for equal female voices have in common the themes of death and love (the most common and used themes by Brahms, especially in the last period of his life). These songs do not have an opus number like a majority of songs in the same seam.
One of Brahms' most extraordinary talents, economy of expression, is wonderfully highlighted in these works. With the most modest means, and without ever betraying the character of simple folk song, Brahms gives the strongest impression.

3.50 EUR
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Schwesterlein (Johannes Brahms)
Ich hab die nacht getraumet (Johannes Brahms/ Mathide Giraud)
Ich hörte ein sichlein rauschen (Johannes Brahms)
Es waren zwei konigskinder (Johannes Brahms)

These four popular songs arranged by Johannes Brahms for equal female voices have in common the themes of death and love (the most common and used themes by Brahms, especially in the last period of his life). These songs do not have an opus number like a majority of songs in the same seam.
One of Brahms' most extraordinary talents, economy of expression, is wonderfully highlighted in these works. With the most modest means, and without ever betraying the character of simple folk song, Brahms gives the strongest impression.