
French specialists in choral singing!
Réveillez-vous chacun fidèle

Réveillez-vous chacun fidèle

(Code: A110906073)

Claude le Jeune, Claude Goudimel and Clément Janequin are composers who arranged the Huguenot psalter in polyphony in order to enrich the “es maison” musical practice. This great work divided into three booklets published between 1602 and 1610 is with three parts. The melody of the psalm 33 “Réveillez-vous chacun fidèle” is an imitation performed by all voices. The music is sophisticated. This short version is like a diamond with several writing facets. The three voices are either placed on an equal footing, or one is written with long sections and the two others gave commentaries on it.

2.20 EUR

Claude le Jeune, Claude Goudimel and Clément Janequin are composers who arranged the Huguenot psalter in polyphony in order to enrich the “es maison” musical practice. This great work divided into three booklets published between 1602 and 1610 is with three parts. The melody of the psalm 33 “Réveillez-vous chacun fidèle” is an imitation performed by all voices. The music is sophisticated. This short version is like a diamond with several writing facets. The three voices are either placed on an equal footing, or one is written with long sections and the two others gave commentaries on it.