
French specialists in choral singing!
Tétin refait plus blanc

Tétin refait plus blanc

(Code: A110906044)

Clément Marot’s poem is one of the many texts in which female body parts are glorified. The descriptions of eyelashes, eyes and lips are as creative as ones of knees, neck, and toe. It’s an ode to beauty. The original title was “Blason du beau tétin,” this is a tribute paid to motherhood. Clément Janequin alternates the rhythms in order to highlights some words and to create breaks in the declamation delivery. The note to note counterpoint prevails in ternary sections. The writing style seems to be freer and lightened in binary sections. There is no real difficulty, but you should be careful to respect the natural aspect of the text and the subtlety of the intentions highlighted by the musician.

6.60 EUR
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Clément Marot’s poem is one of the many texts in which female body parts are glorified. The descriptions of eyelashes, eyes and lips are as creative as ones of knees, neck, and toe. It’s an ode to beauty. The original title was “Blason du beau tétin,” this is a tribute paid to motherhood. Clément Janequin alternates the rhythms in order to highlights some words and to create breaks in the declamation delivery. The note to note counterpoint prevails in ternary sections. The writing style seems to be freer and lightened in binary sections. There is no real difficulty, but you should be careful to respect the natural aspect of the text and the subtlety of the intentions highlighted by the musician.