
French specialists in choral singing!


(Code: A110410030A)
For mixed or equal voices - spoken-rhythm work - English edition
4.90 EUR

For mixed or equal voices. Spoken-rhythm work. This is the english edition of the score.

In this musical work Mirtha Pozzi creates a language based on onomatopoeia, organized from noises and certain words, selected for their particular sound. She composes lively, original music with much humour. Singers are invited to inhabit the rhythmic phrases and create an attractive and engaging vocal polyrhythm. The dialogue and the overlays of the phrases, emphasize the different vocal colours.
A cappella musical work in "spoken-rhythmic” style. For vocal ensemble of three equal or mixed voices (teenagers and/or adults).


Please note that this edition includes the interpretation tips in English. A french version is available, as well as a spanish version.


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