
French specialists in choral singing!
Triptyque du confinement

Triptyque du confinement

(Code: A111309323)

Come and sing Triptyque du Confinement (COVID 19 in 2020), 3 songs composed during video lessons, by Emmanuelle Halimi for children's choir of 5 years old and older and piano. These songs correspond to different moments of this particular period.

Teaching sheet sold individually
7.60 EUR

Come and sing Triptyque du Confinement (COVID 19 in 2020), composed by Emmanuelle Halimi for children's choir of 5 years and older and piano:

During the confinement, Emmanuelle Halimi did videoconference lessons with her students, and composed 3 songs that corresponded to different moments of this particular period:
  • "For Confinée, I hadn't yet started the video lessons because I didn't dare disturb the students who were overwhelmed with homework. This song corresponds to the first part of Confinée, and describes the anguish of a child who wants to go out but cannot.
  • Covid 19 in 2020, describes the virus and still the confinement and its constraints, but ends on a hope and positive notes: "we took over the songs, the concerts"; the rhythm of the song is joyful, more cheerful than Confinée which is haunting.
  • La visio was written after a class where the network was really bad and the children were saturated. I had fun describing the unpleasant situations of video lessons "cut your microphone" "sing louder" "don't move too much", these are words that any choir conductor had to say in videoconferences! They will undoubtedly recognize themselves.
The children that I met in June after the confinement had a great pleasure in singing these 3 songs, with a preference, although it is the saddest, for Confinée: they kept on asking for it! »
Emmanuelle Halimi

Three songs composed during the confinement (COVID 19 in 2020) for children's choir (S) from 5 years old and piano

This teaching sheet is sold individually as it is intended for children, and a single purchase for the teacher/choirmaster is quite feasible. We encourage you to buy the right number of sheets if you wish to involve your students.