
French specialists in choral singing!


(Code: A121900811)
3 women voices - a cappella - Lionel Ginoux
15.00 EUR
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9 traditionnal asian songs for 3 voices women choir (SMA), arrangements by Lionel Ginoux.

Composer's intention :

I have a physical approach to music, working with simple, direct material that speaks to the body. I'm also very attached to popular music, to music that can appeal to an audience that isn't an expert in creative music. Finally, I like the simplicity of the voice, the direct encounter with singers and their personalities; I like to seek out the complex sonorities of which voices are capable, through the simplicity of the writing.

Visages is a score based on Asian folk songs, collected and handed down to us by singers from the Asian University for Women. So I composed an original work from which emerge the fragments, colors and flavors of these songs from the Middle East and South Asia. It's a special kind of writing, an exciting kind of writing in which we meet others, other cultures, through music. It's a kind of bridge between creative music from here and popular music from there.

Visages was commissioned by Catherine Bolzinger and the vocal ensemble "les Voix de Stras'".

Find out more about the project behind the commissioning of these pieces: the EVE project: Empowering Voice Emancipation.