
French specialists in choral singing!


(Code: A135300075)

Discover Vivat, 32 harmonized canons for mixed and equal voices by Pierre-Marie Hoog :
"These canons were born from the pleasure of singing! Some of them are very easy and can be learned very quickly. Others will undoubtedly require a little more work. There are, I think, for all ages! "(Pierre-Marie Hoog)
8.60 EUR

Discover Vivat, 32 harmonized canons for mixed and equal voices by Pierre-Marie Hoog :

"These canons were born from the pleasure of singing!
Some of them are very easy and can be learned very quickly. Others will undoubtedly require a little more work.
There are, I think, for all ages!
Let's also admit that they were born from a trick!
A choir conductor will have no trouble finding out how they have already been used to disguise the exercises, reputedly boring, of elementary solfeggio and choral technique:
Sight-reading, articulation, breathing, independence or "fading" of voices... right down to the first steps in chromaticism.
But it is for the pleasure that they are gathered here. As it is for the pleasure that we have brought together a few poets from yesterday or the day before yesterday, friends of all. For the joy of singing together, of mixing one's voice with the voices of others and throwing the sheaf towards the four horizons?"
(Pierre-Marie Hoog)

N.B. : The numbers indicate the "entries" of the voices. The high points indicate, for each voice, where to stop the canon so as to finish all together.

About Pierre-Marie Hoog :

Pierre-Marie Hoog, who entered the Society of Jesus at the age of 17, was a student chaplain for about fifteen years before becoming national assistant for CLC (Christian Life CHe has been chaplain, choir director and composer of choral music, and collaborator in the magazine "Vie chrétienne" (Christian Life).
In addition to his pedagogical gifts, he had talents as a musician and composer, a painter and a draughtsman.

  • Quand sont passés les capitaines
  • J’ai cherché ma joie
  • Le vin doux
  • Que le jour me dure (J.F. Laharpe)
  • Il suffit de ta main
  • Carillon de noël (François Villon)
  • Passent les roses
  • Sur la route (Mathilde Giraud)
  • Le pivert
  • En revenant de nanterre
  • Bénédicité
  • Grâces
  • Ave Maria
  • À travers la plaine
  • Bavardages
  • Oubli (Gérard de Neval)
  • Le gardenia (Robert Desnos)
  • Rose nouvelle (Mathilde Giraud)
  • Feu d’été
  • Fête galante (Mathilde Giraud)
  • Coeur qui as tant battu (Charles Peguy)
  • Que de douceurs (Agrippa D' Aubigne)
  • S’il méprise la grappe (Paul Claudel)
  • Si l’on te dit (Mathilde Giraud
  • Vivat ! Vivat ! (Moliere)
  • Je n’aime que toi
  • Nous prendrons de vitesse (Paul Eluard)
  • Berceuse
  • Plus ne suis (Clément Marot)
  • Le chèvrefeuille
  • D’un vanneur de blé, aux vents (Joachim Du Bellay)
  • À la Paix

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