
French specialists in choral singing!
Zeleny majeran

Zeleny majeran

(Code: A110600365)

These are 3 series of polyphonies based on popular poems from Slovenia.
They won the 1st prize in the 4th international folk song arrangement in Trentino-Alto Adige, Italia, in 1986.

8.70 EUR
Discount on quantity

Zeleny majeran (Marjolaine verte) (Jiri Laburda)
Predo dverni (Le buisson de Marjolaine) (Jiri Laburda)
Isli tri panenky (3 jeunes filles s'en allèrent) (Jiri Laburda)
Pozrize ty diduca ! (Regarde jeune fille) (Jiri Laburda)

These are 3 series of polyphonies based on popular poems from Slovenia.
They won the 1st prize in the 4th international folk song arrangement in Trentino-Alto Adige, Italia, in 1986.