Collection of eleven original melodies, composed by Thomas Moreau, to various texts by TristanCorbière (1845-1875), Georges Fourest (1864-1945) and Thomas Moreau, PaulVerlaine (1844-1896), Guillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918), José Maria de Heredia(1842-1905), Benjamin Péret (1899-1959), François Mauriac (1885-1970), Henri Thomas (1912-1993).
Excerpt from the preface by Peio Çabalette :
"Thomas Moreau is a free artist who defies time, fashion and musical divisions. Here he offers us a collection of pieces for voice and piano, new music born of his lifelong love of poetry, words and voices. [...] Each title, each piece here opens up a new poetic space, a singular, intimate world, to carry and translate the words of Verlaine, Apollinaire, Mauriac or Tristan Corbière; to sing French poetry. [...] Melody, little served by composers these days, is a delicate, difficult art, devoid of artifice; the lines, harmonies and emotions are laid bare. Thomas Moreau, a musician in love with words, expresses himself to the full. And to those laid down by Debussy, Ravel, Fauré, Boris Vian, Barbara or Léo Ferré, ̶ melodies, learned or popular songs ̶ he adds pretty little stones on the edges of a long road that so many creators have trodden.
On this long road, may these melodies meet with the favour of the performers. The listeners, as I was when I read these staves, will be touched and seduced."
Ballade en l’honneur de la famille Trouloyaux - Georges FOUREST and Thomas MOREAU
Les beaux soirs alanguis - François MAURIAC
Duo soprano / mezzo-soprano
L’esclave - José Maria de HEREDIA
Le ciel est, par-dessus le toit - Paul VERLAINE
Aurora - Tristan CORBIÈRE
Épitaphe sur un monument aux morts de la guerre - Benjamin PÉRET
Ballade en rêve - Paul VERLAINE
Cors de chasse - Guillaume APOLLINAIRE
Duo baryton / basso
J’hésite (Casse-couille et Casse-pied) - Henri THOMAS